35398340449619004 # Install using Composer composer require amzn/amazon-pay-api-sdk-php # Install using Composer composer require amzn/amazon-pay-api-sdk-php { "webCheckoutDetails": { "checkoutReviewReturnUrl": "https://a.com/merchant-review-page" }, "storeId": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.8b5e45312b5248b69eeaStoreId", "scopes": ["name", "email", "phoneNumber", "billingAddress"], "deliverySpecifications": { "specialRestrictions": ["RestrictPOBoxes"], "addressRestrictions": { "type": "Allowed", "restrictions": { "US": { "statesOrRegions": ["WA"], "zipCodes": ["95050", "93405"] }, "GB": { "zipCodes": ["72046", "72047"] }, "IN": { "statesOrRegions": ["AP"] }, "JP": {} } } } } 'YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY_ID', 'private_key' => 'keys/private.pem', 'region' => 'YOUR_REGION_CODE', 'algorithm' => 'AMZN-PAY-RSASSA-PSS-V2', ); $payload = array( "webCheckoutDetails" => array( "checkoutReviewReturnUrl" => "https://a.com/merchant-review-page" ), "storeId" => "amzn1.application-oa2-client.8b5e45312b5248b69eeaStoreId", "scopes" => array( "name", "email", "phoneNumber", "billingAddress" ), "deliverySpecifications" => array( "specialRestrictions" => array( "RestrictPOBoxes" ), "addressRestrictions" => array( "type" => "Allowed", "restrictions" => array( "US" => (object) array( "statesOrRegions" => array( "WA" ), "zipCodes" => array( "95050", "93405" ) ), "GB" => (object) array( "zipCodes" => array( "72046", "72047" ) ), "IN" => (object) array( "statesOrRegions" => array( "AP" ) ), "JP" => (object) array() ) ) ) ); $headers = array('x-amz-pay-Idempotency-Key' => uniqid()); try { $client = new Amazon\Pay\API\Client($amazonpay_config); $result = $client->createCheckoutSession($payload, $headers); if ($result['status'] === 201) { // created $response = json_decode($result['response'], true); $checkoutSessionId = $response['checkoutSessionId']; } else { // check the error echo 'status=' . $result['status'] . '; response=' . $result['response'] . "\n"; } } catch (\Exception $e) { // handle the exception echo $e . "\n"; } ?> 'YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY_ID', 'private_key' => 'keys/private.pem', 'region' => 'YOUR_REGION_CODE', 'algorithm' => 'AMZN-PAY-RSASSA-PSS-V2' ); try { $client = new Amazon\Pay\API\Client($amazonpay_config); $result = $client->getCheckoutSession('bd504926-f659-4ad7-a1a9-9a747aaf5275'); if ($result['status'] === 200) { $response = json_decode($result['response'], true); $checkoutSessionState = $response['statusDetails']['state']; $chargeId = $response['chargeId']; $chargePermissionId = $response['chargePermissionId']; // NOTE: Once Checkout Session moves to a "Completed" state, buyer and shipping // details must be obtained from the getChargePermission() function call instead $buyerName = $response['buyer']['name']; $buyerAddress = $response['buyer']['shippingAddress']; } else { // check the error echo 'status=' . $result['status'] . '; response=' . $result['response'] . "\n"; } } catch (Exception $e) { // handle the exception echo $e; } ?> 'YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY_ID', 'private_key' => 'keys/private.pem', // Path to RSA Private Key (or a string representation) 'region' => 'YOUR_REGION_CODE', 'algorithm' => 'AMZN-PAY-RSASSA-PSS-V2' ); $payload = array( 'webCheckoutDetails' => array( 'checkoutResultReturnUrl' => 'https://a.com/merchant-confirm-page' ), 'paymentDetails' => array( 'paymentIntent' => 'AuthorizeWithCapture', 'canHandlePendingAuthorization' => false, 'softDescriptor' => 'Descriptor', 'chargeAmount' => array( 'amount' => '1', 'currencyCode' => 'USD' ) ), 'merchantMetadata' => array( 'merchantReferenceId' => 'Merchant reference ID', 'merchantStoreName' => 'Merchant store name', 'noteToBuyer' => 'Note to buyer', 'customInformation' => 'Custom information' ) ); try { $client = new Amazon\Pay\API\Client($amazonpay_config); $result = $client->updateCheckoutSession('bd504926-f659-4ad7-a1a9-9a747aaf5275', $payload); if ($result['status'] === 200) { $response = json_decode($result['response'], true); $amazonPayRedirectUrl = $response['webCheckoutDetails']['amazonPayRedirectUrl']; } else { // check the error echo 'status=' . $result['status'] . '; response=' . $result['response']; } } catch (Exception $e) { // handle the exception echo $e; } ?> 'YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY_ID', 'private_key' => 'keys/private.pem', // Path to RSA Private Key (or a string representation) 'region' => 'YOUR_REGION_CODE', 'algorithm' => 'AMZN-PAY-RSASSA-PSS-V2' ); $payload = array( 'chargeAmount' => array( 'amount' => '14.00', 'currencyCode' => 'USD' ) ); try { $client = new Amazon\Pay\API\Client($amazonpay_config); $result = $client->completeCheckoutSession('bd504926-f659-4ad7-a1a9-9a747aaf5275', $payload); if ($result['status'] === 202) { // Charge Permission is in AuthorizationInitiated state $response = json_decode($result['response'], true); $checkoutSessionState = $response['statusDetails']['state']; $chargeId = $response['chargeId']; $chargePermissionId = $response['chargePermissionId']; } else if ($result['status'] === 200) { $response = json_decode($result['response'], true); $checkoutSessionState = $response['statusDetails']['state']; $chargePermissionId = $response['chargePermissionId']; } else { // check the error echo 'status=' . $result['status'] . '; response=' . $result['response'] . "\n"; } } catch (Exception $e) { // handle the exception echo $e; } ?> 'YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY_ID', 'private_key' => 'keys/private.pem', // Path to RSA Private Key (or a string representation) 'region' => 'YOUR_REGION_CODE', 'algorithm' => 'AMZN-PAY-RSASSA-PSS-V2' ); $payload = array( 'shippingAddress' => array( 'name' => 'Susi S', 'addressLine1' => '11 Ditka Ave', 'addressLine2'=> 'Suite 2500', 'city'=> 'Chicago', 'stateOrRegion'=> 'IL', 'postalCode'=> '60602', 'countryCode'=> 'US', 'phoneNumber'=> '800-000-0000' ), 'chargeAmount' => array( 'amount' => '14.00', 'currencyCode' => 'USD' ), 'paymentIntent' => 'AuthorizeWithCapture' ); try { $client = new Amazon\Pay\API\Client($amazonpay_config); $result = $client->finalizeCheckoutSession('bd504926-f659-4ad7-a1a9-9a747aaf5275', $payload); if ($result['status'] === 202) { // Charge Permission is in AuthorizationInitiated state $response = json_decode($result['response'], true); $checkoutSessionState = $response['statusDetails']['state']; $chargeId = $response['chargeId']; $chargePermissionId = $response['chargePermissionId']; } else if ($result['status'] === 200) { $response = json_decode($result['response'], true); $checkoutSessionState = $response['statusDetails']['state']; $chargePermissionId = $response['chargePermissionId']; } else { // check the error echo 'status=' . $result['status'] . '; response=' . $result['response'] . "\n"; } } catch (Exception $e) { // handle the exception echo $e; } ?> babysachen online kaufen gestrickte Babykleidung bio strickjacken fuer babys
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Eine Geschenkkarte ist immer eine gute Idee. Einfach einen Betrag auswählen und eine persönliche Nachricht schreiben.

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